Goal Setting Mastery

• Case study of Goal setting
• How to save time, energy and money while achieving your goals?
• Case study for importance of Goal setting
• Why to have plan in life?
• What is real meaning of Goal?
• Why to have massive Goal?
• Why to consider expert opinion only?
• How to understand your true potential?
• Whether Goal should be personal or publicly declared?
• Which is the most important requirement of Goal setting?
• What are the *characteristics of Goal*?
• Why to write goals?
• How to take review of goals?
• How to develop simple steps to achieve long term goals?
• How to reduce stress of achieving your goal?
• What can boost your success in day to day life?
• Goal setting strategies
• Why to do SWOT analysis?
• Types of decisions
• Why to have goals in all areas of life?
• Find your perseverance quotient
• Case study: delayed gratification and success
• How to recharge yourself?
• Talent or attitude, what is important?